Early last May, I joined Instagram Web Team working on front-end infrastructure. It was Jennifer Lin who picked me up from bootcamp, and it was Glenn Conner who showed me how to develop on IG web codebase step by step. Then I started to work with you super-smart and working crazily hard mates whom I had to do my best to keep pace with.
I chose Instagram over Facebook since I loved this product more than any other social network service. I landed at Web team because I had been working on full stack development for years. No doubt Instagram Web team is the most excellent group I have ever been in, yet I decided to take my career to a different direction, as I believed it was time to make a move to something new. On May 14th, I’ll be joining Instagram Core Services team working on privacy, which locates right on the other side of the second floor of MPK 24.
First my fear; then my courtesy; last my appreciation. My fear is, your displeasure; my courtesy, my duty; and my honest and sincere appreciation, to everybody I have worked with in this tiny yet powerful team, maintaining and building one of the top 20 websites in the world.
上一次写日志是一个半月以前,过去一个半月中发生了很多事。换组,从Instagram Web转去纯后端的Instagram Core Service,相比之下只是小事。
和组里的同事在San Mateo的小肥羊吃了散伙饭。说是“散伙”,其实不过是去了同一栋办公楼同一层的另一片区域罢了,以后依然抬头不见低头见。这次换组完全是出于个人兴趣和生涯规划考量的选择,我由衷欣赏和喜欢我的同事们,我以与他们共事过为傲。