Optimistically Hyperrational


  在Hacker News上看到有人推荐 Elon Musk’s Space Dream Almost Killed Tesla ,读罢感慨万千。想在朋友圈分享,又觉得分享英语文章有装逼之嫌,而且洋洋洒洒近万言,即便是中文也鲜有人会认真读完,遑论英文。于是只在我和Falcon,Alpha和Beta的小圈子里分享了——依据三人读这篇文章的可能性,排列分先后。过了一会儿Alpha告诉我,Bloomberg的网站打不开,显然是被墙了。



Antonio Gracias, a Tesla and SpaceX investor and one of Musk’s closest friends, had watched all of this transpire; 2008 told him everything he would ever need to know about Musk’s character. “He has the ability to work harder and endure more stress than anyone I’ve ever met,” Gracias said. “What he went through in 2008 would have broken anyone else. Most people who are under that sort of pressure fray. Their decisions go bad. Elon gets hyperrational. He’s still able to make very clear, long-term decisions. The harder it gets, the better he gets.”

  我又想到了自己的老板。虽然一度看不起他,然而在他手下工作三年后,不得不承认他——至少现在——比我强得多。我一直自诩为rational,可在压力之下自己的rational始终和pessimistic如影随形。我的老板比我强在他的optimistically rational,而无与伦比的optimistically hyperrational,正是Elon Musk的过人之处。

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